bobcat book club

Bobcat Book Club is a reading program that is specifically for our oldest readers - 4th and 5th grade.  As a part of the program, students set a reading goal with their teacher for each chapter of the program.  Each student will have their own reading log where they can keep track of the books that they read and track their reading goals.  The great thing about Bobcat Book Club is that the students get to read ANY book of their choice within their reading level - graphic novels, fiction, nonfiction - whatever they are interested in reading.  We want these children to read and to continue reading!  HERE is the Bobcat Book Club Choice Board showing the variety of ways they can talk about their book with our volunteers.  Students who read at least 7 books within the designated chapter will receive recognition and rewards.
We are currently looking for a Lead Volunteer for this program! Please email the PTO at if you're interested in this role.