The Who, What & Why of the SPES PTO



We are a group of Severna Park Elementary parents, guardians, teachers, and staff members who want to enrich the social and educational experiences of our students. 



The Severna Park Elementary School PTO, Inc. is a Maryland based 501(c)3 nonprofit. The purpose of the PTO is to enhance and support the educational experience at SPES, to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement, and to improve the environment at Severna Park Elementary School through volunteer and financial support.


Mission Statement

Our mission is to acquire and allocate resources that provide our students with educational opportunities where imagination and innovation are encouraged, students learn with passion, the arts and healthy lifestyles are emphasized, and student achievement is supported.


Guiding Principles

Severna Park Elementary School PTO will follow these guiding principles in decision-making regarding the allocation of resources:

  • To enhance student educational experience by supporting academic and enrichment activities
  • To support teachers and staff as we partner with them to provide new and innovating educational opportunities
  • To encourage parent partnerships through communication, resource and referral support, and community involvement
  • To recognize and celebrate individual student and school-wide achievements. 



Studies have shown that parent engagement in schools can promote positive education and health behaviors among children and adolescents. Parent engagement in schools is defined as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents. The PTO helps to streamline engagement in a way that best supports our school.
